George Santos trolled by X community notes after sharing conspiracy meme

Washington DC - Representative George Santos shared a bizarre, conspiratorial meme on social media, and the community notes at X stepped in to set the record straight.

George Santos shared a bizarre meme on X and was soon hit with a community note that added needed context to his conspiratorial claims.
George Santos shared a bizarre meme on X and was soon hit with a community note that added needed context to his conspiratorial claims.  © IMAGO/USA TODAY Network

On Tuesday, the New York congressman shared a meme on X that had a photo of himself with the caption, "They're not after me, they're after you, I'm just in the way."

The phrase was touted for a bit by Donald Trump, who used it to insinuate that if the government could come after him for his legal problems, then they could and would do the same to average Americans.

As it's been a bit of time since Trump has used the phrase, it seems Santos, who has always been an outspoken MAGA fanboy, wants to adopt it, but X users stepped in to inject some much-needed context to the claim.

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"They are in fact after Representative Santos, who is accused of stealing money from his own donors, among other offenses," reads a community note attached to Santos' post, along with a link to the Department of Justice's website, which details the 23 felony charges Santos is currently facing.

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Another X user shared a new version of Santos' meme, which says, "They're not after me; they're after you because I stole your identity."

On Wednesday, Santos shared a follow-up post, accusing Elon Musk, the current CEO of X, of personally targeting him with the note, which he described as "abhorrent."

Community notes are not written by Musk or his team, as any user has the ability to write and rate community notes and become a "contributer."

Cover photo: IMAGO/USA TODAY Network

More on George Santos: