Moon Knight ends daring season 1 with dull finale
The season finale of Marvel's Moon Knight concluded with a major twist, but unfortunately, it wasn't enough to save the underwhelming final episode.

Okay, so what the heck just happened?
After five exciting and invigorating episodes, Wednesday's final installment delivered an underwhelming and slightly boring finale.
The season's conclusion wasn't a total bust. Viewers did finally get to see the feared goddess Ammit, though many were probably shocked that the deity turned out to be a ridiculously large female crocodile.
There were also a few epic fight scenes - which the series honestly could've used more of in the beginning - but we'll get to that.
Plus, the finale did confirm what fans had been suspecting all along: that Oscar Issac's Marc Spector/Steven Grant does have another identity.
Yet, the not-so-surprising twist wasn't enough to save the confusing and overly-ambitious finale.
Gods, monsters, and another identity

Across the board, the latest series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe gets a solid A for effort.
Issac's acting is top-tier and unmatched as the troubled former mercenary-turned-hero and avatar for the god Khonshu.
From the stunning cinematography to the Egyptian-tinged music score, Moon Knight is still Marvel's most refreshing and alluring series to date.
So why was the finale such a let-down? Firstly, it was especially disappointing after last week's trippy yet emotionally-climatic episode, Asylum, which focused on Marc's horrific childhood trauma and abuse – leading the hero to create his alter-identity Steve.
Yet, the finale didn't build on last episode's steam, it only left us in a similar place. Marc/Steven is released from being Khonshu's avatar, only to end up back in the "asylum," just as he was in the last episode.
Herein lies another confusing problem of the episode: Is this mental facility suppose to represent limbo, is it actually a physical place, or is Marc/Steven just stuck in his head?
Then, at the episode's very end, viewers are introduced to Marc's other personality Jake Lockley, who is responsible for beating bad guys to a bloody pulp whenever he or Steven blacked out.
On top of not being much of a shocker, there isn't any clarification on where Jake came from and why this identity is still tethered to the Moon God.
Of course, this will all probably be addressed in the show's next season, which has not yet been announced. But as fans truly enjoyed the daring risks and thrilling story Moon Knight displayed at its start, it's disappointing to see the series' finale end in such a dull and baffling manner.
For those who want to rewatch season one of the latest Marvel series, Moon Knight is now streaming in its entirety on Disney+.
Cover photo: Marvel Studios 2022. All Rights Reserved.