Moon Knight: More gods make more problems in action-packed episode

The jam-packed third episode for Marvel's Moon Knight highlighted more gods, deadly secrets, and another identity.

Wednesday's jam-packed third episode of Marvel's Moon Knight highlighted more gods, deadly secrets, and another identity.
Wednesday's jam-packed third episode of Marvel's Moon Knight highlighted more gods, deadly secrets, and another identity.  © Marvel Studios 2022. All Rights Reserved.

More gods? Time travel? And possibly, no more Moon Knight?

We have now come to the mid-season point of the latest Marvel series, and whew – what a ride it has been!

Wednesday's nearly one-hour episode was crammed with bloody action, more gods, and possibly another personality.

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Oscar Issac's Marc Spector has found himself smack-dab in the middle of a war between Egyptian gods after traveling to Cairo to stop Arthur Harrow, played by Ethan Hawke, from awakening the god Ammit.

But while unwittingly being Khonshu's avatar, Marc struggles to keep control over his body – which leads to disastrous results.

Viewers have already seen one of Marc's personalities, Steven. Yet, the newest episode subtly but shockingly confirms that the former mercenary has yet another identity hidden somewhere in his mind.

However, the conclusion of this chapter leaves Marc/Steven without his powers, after Khonshu is imprisoned by the fellow gods.

What will this mean for the rest of the season of Moon Knight, and just who the heck is this third personality?

The secret life of Marc Spector

In the third episode, The Friendly Type, viewers are given another glimpse at Moon Knight's possible third personality.
In the third episode, The Friendly Type, viewers are given another glimpse at Moon Knight's possible third personality.  © Marvel Studios 2022. All Rights Reserved.

We're halfway through the Marvel series' first season, and fans have been given a lot of information to dissect. While Moon Knight's story continues to develop, more and more secrets from the hero's past continue to arise.

From his soured marriage to Layla, portrayed by May Calamawy, to how his timid, yet brilliant alter-ego came to be – there's so much to unpack when it comes to the mysterious hero.

But one thing is for certain: his constant plight of trying to maintain his split personalities is causing the hero great affliction.

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In this latest episode, The Friendly Type, Marc is brought before a council of the Egyptian gods – the Ennead – and their avatars to try and stop Arthur's nefarious plans.

Unfortunately, the egotistical cult-leader easily flips the switch on Khonshu by exploiting the moon god's abuse of Marc, who is mentally ill.

Not to mention that Marc again finds himself blacking out while beating men to a bloody pulp in the streets of Cairo, and even Steven is clueless as to the cause.

The hero's torment is further heightened by whatever other secrets he is keeping from his former wife, who is fully aware of his Moon Knight identity.

Hopefully, the remaining three episodes give more clarification as to how Moon Knight came to be, and what else Marc is hiding that could possibly be the key to his salvation.

For now, he is without his powers and has more enemies than he can count. The sooner Marc can get a hold of his fractured psyche, the better the chances he has at saving Khonshu, Layla, and – you know – the world.

Moon Knight drops new episodes Wednesdays on Disney+.

Cover photo: Marvel Studios 2022. All Rights Reserved.

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