National Tell A Joke Day: A funny starter kit to kick up the laughs

This ain't no joke: Wednesday, August 16 is National Tell A Joke Day. To celebrate, we're put together our favorite funny jokes to keep you laughing and spread some smiles.

What is International Joke Day?

Laugh out loud on International Joke Day!
Laugh out loud on International Joke Day!  © Unsplash/Markus Winkler

Are you a sucker for having your funny bone tickled? You're not the only one. Thus, a holiday celebrating passing on all things humorous was born!

National Tell A Joke Day has been marked by comedians and among families and friends worldwide. Its official origin is debated, but the benefits of jokes are not.

Spreading some sillies and enjoying a hearty dose of comedy has been known to reduce stress and be positive for your mental health. And those who say "laughter is the best medicine" are not kidding: laughter has even been linked to reducing pain, stimulating organs, and boosting our immune system.

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Viral Video of the Day Viral Video of the Day for May 13, 2024: "Gentle parenting" does wonders for dog dad!

Whether you dish a dad joke, prefer a pun in your punchline, nail a knock-knock joke, win at witty one-liners, slay some silly slapstick, or a serve up sarcasm with your humor, International Joke Day can be celebrated by anyone and anywhere by relaying a lighthearted joke.

Give the gift of giggles and turn someone's frown upside down with our favorite jokes below.

There's always a joker in the bunch - especially on International Joke Day!
There's always a joker in the bunch - especially on International Joke Day!  © Unsplash/Klim Musalimov

Jokes for International Joke Day

Q: What did the egg say to the comedian?
A: "You crack me up!"

Q: What did the astronauts say after a date?
A "Your planet or mine?"

Q: When is the best time to go to the dentist?
A: 2:30 ("Tooth-hurty!")

Q: What do you call a dog that can do magic?
A: A labra-cadabra-dor

Q: Why was 6 afraid of 7?
A: Because 7, 8, 9!

Q: What did the cow say when the chicken wouldn't cross the road?
A: "Moo-ve out the way!"

Laugh a little on International Joke Day.
Laugh a little on International Joke Day.  © Unsplash/Tim Mossholder

Check out more jokes here

TAG24 features a daily dose of funny with our Joke of the Day. Check out some below:

Do you have a joke you'd like featured on Let us know!

A simple joke can help turn someone's day around and lighten their load with laughs. So pass on your favorite. TAG, you're it!

Cover photo: Unsplash/Markus Winkler

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